Help Vega Baja

Help Vega Baja

965 021 552

24 Hour, Confidential, Emotional Support HELPLINE

Do you need to talk to someone?

Little steps can make us stronger

Take the first step today and call The Connections Team

Don’t struggle alone… Let the Connections Team support you!

If you are not ready to pick up the phone – you can email the team at or come along to our “Drop-In Service” at the HELP Vega Baja office, San Miguel, on Monday, Wednesday or Friday afternoons from 2pm until 5pm.

Connections Team is part of HELP Bega Baja – Supporting people in the community for over 35 years.


The Befriending Service aims to support carers in need of respite and the lonely who are unable to leave home.

To find out more contact the Befriending Service Co-ordinator at or call the HELP Vega Baja San Miguel Centre on 966 723 733 or 865 061 497

We also need more volunteers to join our team for this exciting new service – come and join us!

San Miguel Centre: Calle Lope de Vega, 45, San Miguel de Salinas. Tel: 966 723 733. Open: Monday to Friday 10am – 1.30pm. Email:
HELP desk, La Marina: Hope Christian Fellowship, La Marina. Tel: 615 770 145. Open: Every Thursday 10am – 1.30pm.
CONNECTIONS TEAM: 24 Hour Confidential & Emotional Support Helpline – Trained volunteers available day and night to listen and to offer you support. Tel: 965 021 552

Drop-In service available Monday, Wednesday and Friday 2pm – 5pm at the San Miguel Centre

Follow us on FACEBOOK – HELP Vega Baja





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Language exchangeLanguage exchange

➡️Intercambios Lingüísticos

Si quieres aprender o perfeccionar un idioma extranjero con una persona nativa, desde el Ayuntamiento de Rojales te lo facilitamos

🖊️Inscribete en :

-Tourist Info (Malecón de La Encantá 1)

-Centro Municipal Ciudad Quesada (Plaza Blanca 1)



➡️Language Exchange

If you want to learn or improve a foreign  language with a native speaker, the Rojales Town Council can help you.

🖊️Sign up at :

-Tourist Info (Malecón de La Encantá 1)

-Municipal Centre of Ciudad Quesada (Plaza Blanca 1)



➡️ Sprachaustausch

Wenn Sie eine Fremdsprache mit einem Muttersprachler erlernen oder verbessern möchten, kann die Gemeinde Rojales Ihnen helfen.

🖊️Anmeldung bei:

-Tourist Info (Malecón de La Encantá 1)

-Centro Municipal Ciudad Quesada (Plaza Blanca 1)



➡️Échanges Linguistiques

Si vous souhaitez apprendre ou améliorer une langue étrangère avec un locuteur natif, la Mairie de Rojales peut vous aider.

🖊️Inscrivez-vous à :

-Tourist Info (Malecón de La Encantá 1)

-Centre Municipal à Ciudad Quesada (Plaza Blanca 1)